Guardians of Green: A Tale of Friendship and Environmental Action on Amazon KDP

Guardians of Green” is a captivating children’s ebook available exclusively on Amazon KDP.

Join Gogo, Cuto, and Luki as they work together to protect their forest home from pollution, teaching valuable lessons about friendship and environmental stewardship along the way.

Friendship and Action:

Gogo, Cuto, and Luki demonstrate the power of unity and determination, inspiring young readers to make a positive impact through teamwork.

Environmental Awareness:

Through their adventure, children learn about the importance of protecting nature and preserving our planet for future generations.

Empowering Young Activists:

This ebook empowers kids to take action in their communities, encouraging them to become environmental heroes like Gogo, Cuto, and Luki.

Guardians of Green” is a call to action for young environmentalists. Exclusively available on Amazon KDP, this inspiring story encourages kids to become guardians of the environment and champions of positive change. Join the adventure today and help create a greener, more sustainable future.

Click the link below to get your copy now!

Lessons from Little Hearts

Life’s little moments often hold big lessons. Recently, a chat with my 6-year-old cousin showed me just how wise young hearts can be.

I gave my cousin a call to catch up. Amidst talk of her upcoming test and her new baby brother, she dropped a bombshell that got me thinking.

Cousin: “My brother’s first word was ‘maa,’ but mine was ‘papa’ because I love dad more. Why do I love mom less?”

Me: I was surprised. How could a kid know so much about love? I told her it’s okay to love both parents equally. Love doesn’t count who you love more, it’s just about loving.

Her words stuck with me. How could a little one feel less loved? It made me realize how much our feelings can affect us, no matter how small we are.

I reminded her that she’s loved by both parents, no matter what. Love isn’t a competition; it’s about caring for each other.

Reflecting on my conversation with my cousin, I’m reminded of the significance of reassuring our loved ones of their worth. Amidst life’s complexities, a simple gesture of love and acceptance can resonate deeply.

Let’s make it a priority to remind those we cherish that they are valued, cherished, and deeply appreciated.


She’s the wind, wandering from spaces to spaces,
Attempting to halt her, invites ruin’s embraces.
She’s the hope, a radiant spark in the dark,
A soul yearning to be lost, only to embark on rebirth.
She’s the one, holding you steadfast,
Yet, if betrayal comes, she’ll release the grasp.
A warrior who thrives and knows how to survive,
The protagonist, scripting her own life’s narrative.

This is why you should be grateful every day.

You are alive ,your eyes are fine, and you’ve enough money that you’ve access to the internet and are reading this article.

Now say thank you to whichever divine you believe in be it God or universe.

You didn’t pass an examination, you whined ,Why me?
Your heart got broken ,you whined ,Why me?
You are not well,you whined, Why me?

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

Oprah Winfrey

There are thousands of thoughts that come across our minds, and in most of these, we think “Why me”

How many times we say, “Thank you,God?”

  • Thank you for giving me this beautiful life.
  • Thank you that I’m able to read and write and listen and walk and talk.
  • Thank you for the wonderful people in our lives – our loved ones, our friends, family, and even strangers we encounter in our everyday lives.
  • Thank you for the vibrant sunsets, soothing moon, blossoming flowers, and greenery.
Photo By Pexels

I’m making a change ,I’m changing myself, I’m inculcating the habit of gratitude as it starts with ME.

The truth is, things in our lives are happening for us, and we should appreciate and be grateful for what we have. It’s not that we should not strive for more and be the best, but we should be thankful for what we have in the present.

You are enough.

This is the most common phrase you might come across in your social media feed.

Do you have people in your life who say that you are enough? It feels great when someone says that you are enough, especially when they add, “You are enough just the way you are.”

But what if nobody says this to you? Does it mean that you are not enough?

No! You are still enough.

Sometimes in life, we see a polished version of everything online and offline, which may not be real.

Someone posting motivational post might be going through a rough phase in their life, while someone posting a sad quote might have posted casually and might be leading a joyful life.

Don’t believe everything you see on social media,people are great at manipulating.

The greatest validation and strength lie within yourself. If nobody says good things to you, just look in the mirror and say those things to yourself.

Always strive to make your inner world wealthy and luxurious, full of warmth,love and gratitude.

You are and will always be enough.


Are you in the middle of the week and in need of some inspiration to carry on? Then, read on to get a boost of energy.

Here are 7 powerful quotes to uplift and motivate you:

1. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi

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2. Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.Dalai Lama

3. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.C.S. Lewis

4. In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.Abraham Lincoln

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5. Success is not final. Failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.Winston Churchill

6. Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.- Theodore Roosevelt

7. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. – Bernard Baruch

Comment which one is your favorite,Have a powerful week ahead!


We all have choices, whether small or large, for a moment or a lifetime, and these choices shape our tomorrows and our destinies.

Last day of the year and 1st day of the new year, I cried a lot . I didn’t force myself to smile or ridicule myself for crying on the new year. This time, I was kinder to myself and let the tears flow. It felt as if with every tear, my heart was healing a little.

This year, make a choice:

  • To make yourself your first priority.
  • To do things that make you happy.
  • To start your day with hope.
  • To keep believing in yourself and your potential to succeed.
  • To take responsibility for your actions.
  • To manage your emotions and allow yourself to cry and be happy.
  • To reduce your screen time and make time to be in nature.
  • To try and explore new places, meet new people, and read new books
  • To keep practicing gratitude for being alive.
From my poetry book “SOUFUL REFLECTIONS “http://Poetry book Soulful Reflections

I know 2023 was a tough and transformative year but I got myself back.

Every moment, every day counts, so make wiser choices and make this year filled with memories and abundance.


Wednesday Wisdom:Three Ways to Stop Overthinking.

Do you find yourself caught in the endless loop of overthinking?

If so, you’re not alone. Overthinking is a common experience, and many people find it challenging to put an end to the cycle of relentless rumination.

Here are three strategies to help break the cycle of overthinking:

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1. Acceptance: Acknowledge that overthinking is a natural tendency and it’s okay to have thoughts that create false stories. Accept that things have happened, such as someone saying something hurtful or actions that you regret. Recognizing and accepting these experiences can help release some of the emotional weight that contributes to overthinking.

2. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness techniques to help ground yourself in the present moment. When you catch yourself overthinking, try to pause and take a few deep breaths. Bring your focus to your breath and allow yourself to tune into the sensations in your body. You can also say “stop” out loud to interrupt the cycle of overthinking. Taking a minute to breathe and be present can help break the pattern of rumination.

3. Engage in a creative activity: Engaging in a creative activity such as writing, painting, or doodling can help shift your focus away from overthinking. You don’t need to be an artist or create a masterpiece. The goal is to engage in a creative process that allows your mind to take a break from repetitive thoughts. As you immerse yourself in the activity, the act of creating can help quiet the overactive mind.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can begin to break the vicious cycle of overthinking and cultivate a greater sense of calm and clarity.

Remember that it’s okay to seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if overthinking becomes overwhelming.

~You are reading this for a reason✨️~